Making Lanark County a Thriving Film Destination

Film and television productions offer tremendous opportunities for businesses and municipalities alike. They bring in revenue, create jobs, and put our region in the spotlight. The following resources and webinars aim to equip businesses and lower-tier municipalities with the knowledge and tools to navigate and capitalize on this exciting industry.



From Location Scouting to Wrapping Up Productions – For Small Businesses

Capitalizing on Film Tourism – Unlocking Opportunities for Small Businesses

Calculating Your Loss of Business Webinar: – Navigating Compensation for Film Productions

From Town Hall to Film Set: A Crash Course for Municipal Staff Working with Film Productions Webinar


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Business Checklist and Fact Sheet Template

This template provides a structured checklist and a fact sheet that businesses can utilize to gather essential information from production companies and provide pertinent details about their own business.

Municipal Film Policy Template

This template serves as a comprehensive framework for local governments and municipalities to develop and implement their own film policies; enabling an environment for the film industry, promoting economic growth, cultural development, and community engagement through the medium of film.